This is the third book in Melling's excellent "Chronicles of Faerie" series. The first is The Hunter's Moon and the second is The Summer King. All three stories are connected, but the characters reoccur only peripherally. I read somewhere that all will be rejoined in the fourth and final book, so I can't wait for that one.
In this book, Dana, who is being raised by her father in Ireland, is tapped by the Queen of Faerie to go on a special quest. Melling does a fabulous job in all three books of capturing a real feel for Ireland as well as for the Faerie realms. All of her characters have depth and passion, and it's easy to care for them. Some parts could have been developed further and allowed to gain more impact, but perhaps it's my fault for not lingering longer. I admit that I rushed through in my eagerness to devour it. If you're paying attention, you'll make some of the critical connections well ahead of time, but the outcome is satisfying either way.
I highly recommend this series to anyone who has enjoyed Susan Cooper or C. S. Lewis, or who simply likes fairies and Ireland. It is well-written, engaging, and fun.
(PG rating: no bad language, young adult pov more accessible to 6th grade and up)